Thursday, October 13, 2011


My dear Starkidies and Potterheads, I have an anouncement to make. No, it has nothing to do with the fact that I painted my nails like cupcakes... No. My anouncement is much more interesting.
OUR LILY'S BIRTHDAY IS TODAY!!! :D SHE TURNS 18!!! So leave your birthday wishes in the comments here or on our page:!/pages/AVPT-is-going-to-be-TOTALLY-AWESOME/183720088367112 !
Love you all,
Prof. Snape

Monday, October 10, 2011


Hello my dear fellow Potterheards and Starkids, welcome to... THE BRAND NEW OFFICIAL BLOG OF AVPT IS GOING TO BE TOTALLY AWESOME! In this blog you will be able to find... all things that you can imagine... and MORE! And why, you may ask... Because we are supermegafoxyawesomehot (I used that today in english class and my professor called me crazy) and we, sometimes, have pretty crazy ideas and things that we like to share with you. So... yeah! Check our blog regularly :)

~Prof. Snape

Just a sample.

Hi guys! Just testing out what this looks like all fancied up! I could rattle on about nothing but instead I'll just post an excerpt from my story, A Rather Unusual Holidays. Toodles, guys! I LOVE YOU GUYS :D. --Cissa/Sarah/A particuarly good finder.

“But Dad,” whined Lily Potter, “I don’t want to go and visit our cousins. Do you have any idea what they’re like?”
                Harry, of course, knew exactly what the Dursley family had been like in the past, but deigned to make no answer. Kind or unkind, wizard or Muggle, family was family and Harry was not about to deprive his family the chance of knowing them, no matter how they came across.
                The truth was, Dudley Dursley and his family were much nicer than Harry’s Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia had been. Dudley was the only one in his family who knew what Harry and his family were. He had not seen how it would add any relevance to his family’s peaceful life and, at any rate, he had been ordered by the Wizengamot to re-sign the Statute of Secrecy once he had married. The Dursleys and the Potters had remained on Christmas card terms for twenty-five years and the latter family visited about once a month during the holidays, much to the chagrin of the Potter children.
                Lily continued her tirade.
                “All they do is boast about how they have the ‘latest things’ and then they look at us like we’re freaks when we haven’t got a clue what they’re going on about! I mean, really, us? Freaks? They’re Muggles. Look at what they have to do to get by, they are so pathe—”
                Lily was silenced by a look from her mother.
                “We are all very well aware of your opinion, thank you very much, Lily Potter,” said Ginny warningly, “so you would do well to keep it to yourself for once.”
                “I find their Muggle ways kind of interesting,” Albus said, pointedly ignoring the glares from his sister, as though he dared to side with their mother. “Okay, yes, they’re prats – Mum, don’t give me that look, it’s true – but it’s really funny about how they go on about how they do things. At first I thought that they were just unobservant, but they really are completely ignorant of magic.”
                “So was I, until I got my Hogwarts letter,” said Harry, “and I’m not Muggleborn, don’t forget. Dudley’s wife and children don’t know any different. The Wizarding society isn’t as large as the Muggle one, so it makes sense that the general view in the world is that Wizardry doesn’t exi—”
                “Alright, I give up, I get your point!” Lily cried, throwing her hands in the air. “Merlin, you talk to Aunt Hermione too much—”
                “—sorry, Mum, but you know that Dad never talks like that, it all comes from her!”
                Ginny knew that to be true and her mouth curled into a small grin, although she did not allow her children to see it. Her husband, however, did and his green eyes twinkled knowingly behind his glasses. Thankfully, Lily chose to end her rant there and most of the trip to the Dursley home passed uneventfully, with James pointing out the occasional oddities he spied on the Muggle streets.